Friday, January 5, 2018
DOOM Retro v2.6.3

DOOM Retro v2.6.3 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The following changes have been made to the boss in MAP30: Icon Of Sin at the end of DOOM II: Hell On Earth:
    • Its projectiles will now move downwards.
    • The explosions when it is destroyed are now translucent if the r_translucency CVAR is on.
  • The screen will now quickly fade to black when quitting DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • The keycards and skull keys displayed in the alternate widescreen HUD now use the most dominant colors of those picked up by the player.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the screen would continue to shake after the player had died in some rare instances if the r_shake_damage CVAR was on.
  • Vertical autoaiming as the player fires their weapon while using mouselook can now be toggled on and off using the new autoaim CVAR. This CVAR is on by default.
  • The player is now given a berserk power-up when entering the IDFA or IDKFA cheats so they can then still equip their fists.
  • The following changes have been made when freeze mode is on:
    • The bob of the player and the player’s weapon are disabled.
    • The give CCMD will now work correctly.
    • Any power-ups the player has will no longer time out.
    • The player’s health will no longer regenerate if the regenhealth CCMD has been used.
  • The screen will now be updated immediately when entering the IDBEHOLDL or IDBEHOLDV cheats in the console.
  • Areas outside of the map (accessible when either freeze mode or no clipping mode are on) are now white rather than black when the player has an invulnerability power-up.
  • The -config command-line parameter will no longer be ignored when saving the configuration file.
  • The -shotdir command-line parameter can now be used to specify the folder that screenshots will be saved in when the PRINTSCREEN key is pressed.
  • Objects will no longer be lit incorrectly in some rare instances.
  • The shadows cast by monsters will now be displayed correctly in areas with a custom colormap.
  • The shadows cast by spectres will now be displayed correctly when the r_shadows_translucency CVAR is off.
  • Using the nomonsters CCMD will now instantly remove all monsters in the current map.
  • The brightmaps for several wall textures are now fixed.
  • A bug present in Vanilla DOOM has been fixed whereby Mancubi projectiles would sometimes pass through walls.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
DOOM Retro v2.6.2

DOOM Retro v2.6.2 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The effects of changing the gp_swapthumbsticks CVAR are now immediate.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby changing the vid_screenresolution CVAR to a value other than desktop wouldn’t change the screen resolution.
  • Pressing ALT + ENTER to toggle between fullscreen and a window will now work when the vid_screenresolution CVAR is a value other than desktop.
  • Both player messages and the map title in the automap are no longer truncated in the middle of the screen in some instances.
  • Sprites that are replaced in PWADs will now be offset correctly.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
DOOM Retro v2.6.1

DOOM Retro v2.6.1 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby sound effects weren’t playing correctly for some users.
  • The rendering of floor and ceiling textures has been improved.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby there was no effect when the r_corpses_nudge CVAR was on.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • Weapon recoil is now reset when the player is either teleported or resurrected.
  • The freeze CCMD can now only be used when in a game.
  • The player’s view now tilts upward in time with it also lowering to the floor when the player dies and either the mouselook CVAR is on or a control is bound to the +mouselook action.
  • The infighting among monsters once the player dies can now be toggled on or off using the new infighting CVAR. This CVAR is on by default and off when vanilla mode is enabled.
  • An incorrect obituary is no longer displayed in the console when the player uses the kill CCMD to kill themselves.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
DOOM Retro v2.6

DOOM Retro v2.6 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • DOOM Retro now uses SDL v2.0.7, SDL_mixer v2.0.2 and SDL_image v2.0.2.
  • Extensive optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The format of savegames has changed, breaking compatibility with previous versions of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the help screen accessed using the F1 key had a solid blue background.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • The player’s field of view can now be changed using the new r_fov CVAR. This CVAR can be a value between 45 and 135, and is 90 by default and when vanilla mode is enabled.
  • Using the vanilla CCMD in an alias will now work correctly.
  • Strings of commands, separated by semi-colons, can now be entered directly in the console.
  • Most actions can now be entered directly in the console.
  • The bind CCMD can now be used to bind a string of commands to a control. For example, to press the V key to enable vanilla mode without lowering the graphic detail, enter bind 'v' "vanilla; r_detail high" in the console.
  • A custom message can now be displayed using the new print CCMD.
  • A new if CCMD has been implemented that allows a string of commands to be executed only if a CVAR equals a certain value.
  • The player’s view is now updated immediately when on a moving platform.
  • Items dropped by monsters when they are killed are now spawned above rather than on the floor before being tossed upwards.
  • Tossing items dropped by monsters when they are killed can now be toggled on or off using the new tossdrop CVAR. This CVAR is on by default and off when vanilla mode is enabled.
  • The position of player messages can now be changed using the new r_messagepos CVAR. This CVAR is (3,2) by default and (0,0) when vanilla mode is enabled.
  • The m_acceleration and m_threshold CVARs have been removed.
  • The vid_windowposition CVAR has been shortened to just vid_windowpos.
  • If they can be found, the Final DOOM IWADs (plutonia.wad and tnt.wad) will now automatically be loaded for certain PWADs that require them.
  • Brightmaps are now applied to more wall textures in Final DOOM: TNT - Evilution when the r_brightmaps CVAR is on.
  • The player can now automatically use doors and switches if they are near enough by enabling the new autouse CVAR. This CVAR is off by default.
  • A crash will no longer occur when trying to switch between fullscreen and a window by pressing ALT + ENTER while on the title screen.
  • Blood splats will no longer be spawned around corpse decorations if their sprites have been changed in a PWAD.
  • Long lines are no longer truncated in files output by the condump CCMD.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby a corrupted player message would be displayed when trying to open a locked door in some instances.
  • The vertical position of the player’s weapon is now reset immediately when the mouselook CVAR is turned off.
  • Improvements have been made to the effect when the player is damaged and the r_shake_damage CVAR is on.
  • A time limit for each map can now be set in minutes using the new timer CCMD, functioning like the command-line parameter of the same name.
  • Pain elementals killed using the kill CCMD are now counted correctly in the stats displayed by the playerstats CCMD.
  • The media keys on some keyboards now work correctly if pressed while DOOM Retro is running.
  • The shadows cast by monsters when the r_shadows CVAR is on no longer bleed into the bottom edge of the player’s view, or into a higher sector in the foreground.
  • The m_doubleclick_use CVAR is now turned on and the vid_showfps CVAR off when vanilla mode is enabled.
  • An obituary is now displayed in the console when the player is killed by an exploding barrel or a damaging sector, and the con_obituaries CVAR is on.