Sunday, December 10, 2023
DOOM Retro v5.1

Today is DOOM’s 30th birthday! This also means it’s DOOM Retro’s 10th birthday! To celebrate this, DOOM Retro v5.1 is now available to download as either a 32 or 64-bit Windows app. Here’s a list of what’s changed since the last version:

  • DOOM Retro is now built using v17.8.3 of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022.
  • DOOM Retro now uses SDL v2.28.5 and SDL_image v2.8.0.
  • Support has been added for John Romero’s newly released SIGIL II.
  • Several changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • The automap is now also shown in low detail when the r_detail CVAR is low.
  • A bug is fixed whereby the effects of changing a color CVAR for the automap wouldn’t be immediate.
  • Explosions from rockets fired by the player and cyberdemons are now randomly mirrored.
  • These changes have been made when vanilla mode is enabled:
    • Extra blood is no longer spawned when a monster is injured.
    • Blood and bullet puffs are no longer randomly mirrored.
  • Monsters now only become non-solid at the end of their death sequence rather than at the start.
  • When the r_shadows CVAR is on, if a monster is fullbright when they attack, the shadow they cast now momentarily becomes slightly lighter.
  • The player’s crosshair now displays correctly when the crosshair CVAR is cross and the r_hud_translucency CVAR is off.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the parsing of DEHACKED, MAPINFO, MUSINFO and BRGHTMPS lumps.
  • The -dog parameter, as well as -dogs 1 to -dogs 8, can now be used on the command-line to spawn one or more MBF-compatible helper dogs at the start of the game. Those dogs that survive each map will then follow the player into the next.
  • These changes have been made when pressing the TAB key to autocomplete text in the console:
    • The case of the autocompleted text now always matches the text that’s already been entered.
    • Any text to the left of a semi-colon is no longer cleared.
  • The border of the menu’s background is no longer displayed if the vid_fullscreen CVAR is off and the vid_widescreen CVAR is on.
  • The spin of the player’s view in the menu’s background can now be disabled by changing the new menuspin CVAR, which is on by default.
  • The help screen can now be shown when the menu is open by pressing the F1 key.
  • The window’s caption now includes the current episode or expansion when playing a game.
  • DOOM Retro no longer remains paused once its window regains focus.
  • A bug is fixed whereby the main window would lose focus and the splash screen would be corrupted if an external automap was successfully created at startup because the am_external CVAR was on.
  • When the animatedstats CVAR is on:
    • The player’s health now animates correctly if they are telefragged.
    • The player’s health, armor and ammo now animate correctly when loading a savegame.
  • A bug is fixed whereby numbers in the alternate widescreen HUD could be positioned incorrectly in some rare instances.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the support of Chex Quest, Chex Quest 2, Harmony Compatible and REKKR.
  • A bug is fixed whereby monsters would respawn only once when playing on Nightmare! or if the respawnmonsters CCMD was used.
  • The “Map explored” stat displayed by the playerstats CCMD is now accurate.
  • The mapstats CCMD now shows the number of voodoo dolls in the current map.
  • The play CCMD now also accepts a music title as its value, such as atdoomsgate or runningfromevil.
  • A bug is fixed whereby screenshots taken by pressing the PRINTSCREEN key would become corrupted in some rare instances.
  • Actions may now be bound to the numeric keypad using the bind CCMD with a value numpad0 to numpad9.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
DOOM Retro v5.0.7

DOOM Retro v5.0.7 is now available to download as either a 32 or 64-bit Windows app. Here’s a list of what’s changed since the last version:

  • A crash no longer occurs when a spectre touches the bottom of the screen in some instances.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the border of the menu’s background.
  • The help screen is now shown when pressing the F1 key while playing the registered version of DOOM.
  • A bug is fixed whereby stairs rising up from the floor wouldn’t rise to their correct height in some instances.
  • Changing the vid_capfps CVAR to 35 now caps the framerate at 35 FPS again.
  • If the vid_capfps CVAR is off or greater than 60, and the vid_vsync CVAR is off, the framerate is now capped at 60 FPS when on the title screen, in the menu, in the console, or the game is paused.
  • The frames per second are now displayed in the menu when the vid_showfps CVAR is on.
  • Minor improvements have been made to determining when to lower the player’s view if the r_liquid_lowerview CVAR is on.
  • A bug is fixed whereby entering kill monsters in the console could then affect splash damage to the player.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
DOOM Retro v5.0.6

DOOM Retro v5.0.6 is now available to download as either a 32 or 64-bit Windows app. Here’s a list of what’s changed since the last version:

  • DOOM Retro is now built using v17.7.5 of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022.
  • DOOM Retro now uses Direct3D 11 rather than Direct3D 9 when the vid_scaleapi CVAR is direct3d, resulting in a considerable boost in performance.
  • The handling of errors caused by SDL has improved.
  • The capping of the framerate when the vid_capfps CVAR is not 35 has improved.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • The ALT key can no longer be used to open the menu from the title screen.
  • Item and teleport fogs no longer appear when using the spawn CCMD in the console while freeze mode is on.
  • A crash no longer occurs when the player explodes a barrel using their BFG-9000 in some instances and the con_obituaries CVAR is on.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the support for DEHACKED lumps.
  • The “Games loaded” stat now updates correctly in the output of the playerstats CCMD.
  • A bug is fixed whereby PWADs wouldn’t autoload when placed in the autoload folder.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
DOOM Retro v5.0.5

DOOM Retro v5.0.5 is now available to download as either a 32 or 64-bit Windows app. Here’s a list of what’s changed since the last version:

  • DOOM Retro now uses SDL v2.28.4.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Minor changes have been made to the branding in the console.
  • The if CCMD works with boolean CVARs again.
  • Blood splats are now visible in the top half of the player’s view if not completely obscured by the map’s geometry.
  • If the player enters kill player in the console while buddha mode is enabled, their health is now reduced to 1%.
  • SIGIL.WAD is no longer autoloaded if a PWAD is loaded that contains an E1M1 lump.
  • If SIGIL.WAD or NERVE.WAD have been placed in the autoload folder:
    • They are now loaded before any other PWADs in the autoload folder,
    • But not if the PWADs already loaded contain any conflicting lumps.
  • NERVE.WAD now loads correctly if specified using the -file parameter on the command-line.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the highlight effect in the menu in some rare instances.
  • A bug is fixed whereby music changer objects would no longer work once loading a savegame.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
DOOM Retro v5.0.4

DOOM Retro v5.0.4 is now available to download as either a 32 or 64-bit Windows app. Here’s a list of what’s changed since the last version:

  • These changes have been made when gibbing a corpse and the r_corpses_gib CVAR is on:
    • Gibbing already gibbed corpses now always works as intended.
    • Certain gibbed corpses spawned at the start of the map can now be gibbed further.
    • Obituaries are no longer displayed in the console for when a corpse is gibbed.
    • Gibbed corpses are now only randomly mirrored if the r_corpses_mirrored CVAR is also on.
  • The intermission and finale screens now pause if DOOM Retro’s window loses focus.
  • The player no longer continues to move across the map if moving when the automap is opened and the am_followmode CVAR is off.
  • A bug is fixed whereby the amount of cells the player had would be brighter than usual in the widescreen HUD when their BFG-9000 was equipped.
  • The player’s view is no longer affected when walking over certain linedefs in liquid sectors and the r_liquid_lowerview CVAR is on.
  • Buckethead’s music is now heard when playing SIGIL if SIGIL_SHREDS.WAD happens to be loaded before SIGIL.WAD at startup.
  • Obituaries displayed in the console when the player explodes a barrel using their BFG-9000 are now always correct.