Monday, January 19, 2015
DOOM Retro v1.6.5

DOOM Retro v1.6.5 has been released and may be downloaded here. This is a small point release and the changes are as follows:

  • Many optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby secret sectors that lower and change their texture may not be displayed in the automap correctly.
  • Decorative corpses spawned at the start of a map are now randomly mirrored as intended.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the player sometimes wouldn’t trigger a teleport when running over it in some instances.
  • Changes have been made to how lighting is calculated.
  • Liquid sectors, and the partially submerged objects that are on them, now animate up and down. This feature may be disabled by changing the animatedliquid setting in doomretro.cfg to false.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby objects on a sector that lowers and becomes liquid wouldn’t update immediately (that is, the bottom of their sprites wouldn’t be clipped, their shadow wouldn’t be removed, and blood splats wouldn’t be removed either).
  • Blood splats that are spawned around decorative corpses at the start of a map are now spawned in a more natural-looking circular pattern, and may also be offset slightly from the corpse to give the impression that the corpse may have slid.
  • Blood splats that are spawned when crushing a corpse are now also spawned in a circular pattern.
  • The positions of shadows for several monsters have been improved.
  • The total amount of blood splats that can be spawned when a corpse slides across the floor has been doubled.
  • The total amount of blood splats that can be spawned when a corpse slides across the floor is now saved in savegames. This breaks savegame compatibility with previous versions of DOOM Retro.
  • Blood splats that are spawned around decorative corpses at the start of a map now come from this same total.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby it was possible for the screen to switch between the TITLEPIC and CREDIT lumps before wiping the screen after the player selects a skill level in the menu to start a new game.
  • The top and bottom edges of Spectre shadows are now “fuzzy”.
  • The top and bottom edges of Spectre shadows are now “fuzzy”, and also lighter, in DOOM II’s cast sequence, to match how they appear in the game.
  • A savegame slot that isn’t empty is now automatically selected in the load game menu if the player previously exited the save game menu while a savegame slot that is empty was selected.
  • The screen will now flash the same amount for keycards and skull keys as for other pickups.
  • The window can now be resized when in widescreen mode.
  • Several changes have been made so that DOOM Retro will behave better when custom sprites are present in a PWAD.
  • DOOM Retro will no longer exit with an error if a flat’s texture is missing in a WAD.
  • Zooming in and out of the automap using a gamepad has now been fixed.
  • The textures PLANET1, SW2BLUE and SW2MARB now have brightmaps.
  • NERVE.WAD will now be automatically loaded if DOOM2.WAD is selected in the WAD launcher and there are also one or more PWADs selected that don’t contain any map data.
  • The translucency of blood splats has been reduced slightly, and their edges are no longer softened.
  • Green blood splats are now slightly darker.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby some shootable switches would only work once.
  • The edges of shadows are now black when the translucency setting in doomretro.cfg to false.
  • The sfxvolume and musicvolume settings in doomretro.cfg will no longer round down to 0% when set to 6%.