Saturday, December 16, 2017
DOOM Retro v2.6.2

DOOM Retro v2.6.2 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The effects of changing the gp_swapthumbsticks CVAR are now immediate.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby changing the vid_screenresolution CVAR to a value other than desktop wouldn’t change the screen resolution.
  • Pressing ALT + ENTER to toggle between fullscreen and a window will now work when the vid_screenresolution CVAR is a value other than desktop.
  • Both player messages and the map title in the automap are no longer truncated in the middle of the screen in some instances.
  • Sprites that are replaced in PWADs will now be offset correctly.