Friday, January 26, 2018
DOOM Retro v2.6.5

DOOM Retro v2.6.5 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the wrong description would be displayed when entering a CVAR without a value in the console.
  • The rendering of two-sided textures has been improved.
  • The widescreen HUD has been completely redesigned and now includes the player’s face instead of a medikit.
  • The r_althud CVAR is now off by default.
  • When the r_textures CVAR is off, shadows cast by monsters are now still translucent when the r_shadows_translucency CVAR is on, and BOOM-compatible translucent wall textures are now still translucent when the r_translucency CVAR is on.
  • A crash will no longer occur when picking up an invulnerability power-up on the same map after loading a savegame.
  • The playername CVAR is now used instead of “OUR HERO” when displaying the player in DOOM II’s cast sequence.
Friday, January 19, 2018
DOOM Retro v2.6.4

DOOM Retro v2.6.4 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby an error would be displayed when trying to load doom1.wad.
  • A new restartmap CCMD has been implemented that restarts the current map.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • A bug present in Vanilla DOOM has been fixed whereby the player would sometimes bounce off walls.
  • The unbind CCMD will now also accept an action as its parameter, unbinding all keyboard, mouse and gamepad controls bound to that action.
  • The resetall CCMD will now also reset all bound controls to their default actions.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the bottom edge of spectres and their blood weren’t drawn correctly in some instances.
  • The effects of changing the r_blood CVAR between all and red are now immediate.
  • Movement of the player arrow in the automap is now smoother.
  • The vertical axis of a DirectInput gamepad’s right thumbstick when looking up and down will now be inverted when the gp_invertyaxis CVAR is on.
  • The shadows cast by the monsters in DOOM II’s cast sequence are now more consistent with how they appear during a game.
Friday, January 5, 2018
DOOM Retro v2.6.3

DOOM Retro v2.6.3 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The following changes have been made to the boss in MAP30: Icon Of Sin at the end of DOOM II: Hell On Earth:
    • Its projectiles will now move downwards.
    • The explosions when it is destroyed are now translucent if the r_translucency CVAR is on.
  • The screen will now quickly fade to black when quitting DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • The keycards and skull keys displayed in the alternate widescreen HUD now use the most dominant colors of those picked up by the player.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the screen would continue to shake after the player had died in some rare instances if the r_shake_damage CVAR was on.
  • Vertical autoaiming as the player fires their weapon while using mouselook can now be toggled on and off using the new autoaim CVAR. This CVAR is on by default.
  • The player is now given a berserk power-up when entering the IDFA or IDKFA cheats so they can then still equip their fists.
  • The following changes have been made when freeze mode is on:
    • The bob of the player and the player’s weapon are disabled.
    • The give CCMD will now work correctly.
    • Any power-ups the player has will no longer time out.
    • The player’s health will no longer regenerate if the regenhealth CCMD has been used.
  • The screen will now be updated immediately when entering the IDBEHOLDL or IDBEHOLDV cheats in the console.
  • Areas outside of the map (accessible when either freeze mode or no clipping mode are on) are now white rather than black when the player has an invulnerability power-up.
  • The -config command-line parameter will no longer be ignored when saving the configuration file.
  • The -shotdir command-line parameter can now be used to specify the folder that screenshots will be saved in when the PRINTSCREEN key is pressed.
  • Objects will no longer be lit incorrectly in some rare instances.
  • The shadows cast by monsters will now be displayed correctly in areas with a custom colormap.
  • The shadows cast by spectres will now be displayed correctly when the r_shadows_translucency CVAR is off.
  • Using the nomonsters CCMD will now instantly remove all monsters in the current map.
  • The brightmaps for several wall textures are now fixed.
  • A bug present in Vanilla DOOM has been fixed whereby Mancubi projectiles would sometimes pass through walls.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
DOOM Retro v2.6.2

DOOM Retro v2.6.2 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The effects of changing the gp_swapthumbsticks CVAR are now immediate.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Further improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete feature.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby changing the vid_screenresolution CVAR to a value other than desktop wouldn’t change the screen resolution.
  • Pressing ALT + ENTER to toggle between fullscreen and a window will now work when the vid_screenresolution CVAR is a value other than desktop.
  • Both player messages and the map title in the automap are no longer truncated in the middle of the screen in some instances.
  • Sprites that are replaced in PWADs will now be offset correctly.