Sunday, August 2, 2015
DOOM Retro v1.8

DOOM Retro v1.8 is now available for your downloading pleasure! I hope you enjoy it. There are a significant amount of changes, which may be viewed here, and it may be downloaded for free here.

I would like to thank beta testers AnotherLife, Jon Krazov, Iain Macfarlane and Dani Ventas. I’d also like to thank Jonathan Dowland for his work on random pitch shifting, and everyone else for their continued support. As always, if you have any suggestions, feedback, or bug reports, I encourage you to help me make this the best version of DOOM ever. You may follow @doomretro on Twitter, leave a comment on the DOOM Retro thread on the forums, leave a comment on this post, or raise an issue on the GitHub repository. And please consider giving a donation through PayPal by clicking on that button to the right.