Friday, December 2, 2016
DOOM Retro v2.3.7

DOOM Retro v2.3.7 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • A message is now displayed when using the IDCLEVxy cheat in the console.
  • The average frames per second will no longer be shown when the vid_showfps CVAR is on and the game is paused or the menu is open.
  • The lumps in doomretro.wad that are used for the alternate HUD can now be replaced by lumps in a PWAD.
  • When the r_shadows CVAR is on and the vid_capfps CVAR is a value other than 35, the shadows of monsters are now interpolated along with the movement of the monsters themselves.
  • The BFG Edition of doom2.wad will now be identified as an IWAD in the console, even though it has been incorrectly marked as a PWAD.
  • The number of barrels exploded is now displayed when using the playerstats CCMD.
  • The number of monsters, pickups and decorations, as well as the number of liquid and damaging sectors, are now displayed when using the mapstats CCMD.
  • The choice of colors used in the numerous translucent effects in DOOM Retro has been improved.
  • BOOM-compatible translucent wall textures are now drawn using a dithering effect. This can be disabled using the new r_dither CVAR.
  • Instead of being set to the currently selected item in the corresponding menu, the episode, expansion, savegame and skilllevel CVARs are now set to read-only strings of the episode, expansion, savegame and skill level for the current game.
  • The player’s path in the automap, enabled using the am_path CVAR, will no longer be recorded while the player is in “no clipping mode”.
  • Corpses will no longer perpetually shift back and forth over sector boundaries with small height differences.
  • The effect of changing the r_brightmaps CVAR from off to on is now immediate, and doesn’t require DOOM Retro to be restarted.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the brightmap of the SW1STON2 and SW2STON2 switch textures wouldn’t be applied correctly in DOOM but would in DOOM II.
  • The following changes have been made to the spawn CCMD:
    • A crash will no longer occur when trying to spawn certain decorations and pickups that don’t exist in DOOM but do in DOOM II.
    • Hanging decorations are now spawned on the ceiling.
    • Things will now be in the same state they would be if they were spawned when the map started.
  • The “floating skull rock” decoration now casts a shadow when the r_shadow CVAR is on.
  • A crash will no longer occur when using the give CCMD to try to give the player the plasma rifle, BFG-9000 or cells in DOOM Shareware, or the super shotgun in DOOM.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby when the s_randommusic CVAR was on, random music would attempt to start playing at the start of a map but then stop, and the game would become almost completely unresponsive.
  • When the s_randommusic CVAR is on, the random music chosen at the start of a map will now loop rather than different music starting to play after the first finishes.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
DOOM Retro v2.3.6

DOOM Retro v2.3.6 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • DOOM Retro is now compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 RC.
  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • Changes have been made to the format of savegames and so are not compatible with previous versions of DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby if the framerate was capped to a value less the display’s refresh rate by using the vid_capfps CVAR, it couldn’t be uncapped while the vid_vsync CVAR was on or without restarting DOOM Retro.
  • The effect enabled using the r_shakescreen CVAR requires hardware acceleration. If the vid_scaleapi CVAR is "software", the screen will no longer momentarily freeze when the player is attacked and the r_shakescreen is not 0%.
  • A warning will now be displayed in the console, and DOOM Retro will default to nearest-neighbor interpolation, if the vid_scaleapi CVAR is "software" and the vid_scalefilter CVAR is anything other than "nearest".
  • The wrong map title is no longer displayed for MAP31 and MAP32 in some PWADs when using the BFG Edition of doom2.wad.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the MAPINFO lump in a PWAD could be parsed incorrectly and cause the wrong music to be played in a map.
  • Music will now be paused if either the menu or console is open and the window loses focus.
  • A crash will no longer occur when trying to spawn a spider mastermind using the spawn CCMD in DOOM Shareware.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
DOOM Retro v2.3.5

DOOM Retro v2.3.5 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • The console is automatically opened at startup when -devparm is specified on the command-line.
  • If the vid_scaleapi CVAR is "opengl" and the version of the available OpenGL API is less than v2.1, then it will be changed to "direct3d" instead.
  • If -cdrom is specified on the command-line and the r_diskicon CVAR is on, the STCDROM lump will be used instead of the STDISK lump.
  • The size of the grid in the automap can now be changed using the am_gridsize CVAR. It is 128x128 by default.
  • The last menu item to be selected is now remembered when using the F2, F3 or F4 keys to display a menu.
  • Further improvements have been made to make sure objects are lit correctly in all instances.
  • The music volume is now properly set at startup.
  • The console now opens and closes at a consistent speed, slowing down as it is almost completely opened.
  • The title of the currently playing music track, as well as the number of secret sectors, are now displayed in the output of the mapstats CCMD.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
DOOM Retro v2.3.4

DOOM Retro v2.3.4 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • The console now opens and closes faster.
  • The game will no longer crash when opening the console on the title screen and using the mouse wheel to scroll upwards.
  • Instead of toggling capping of the framerate at 35 FPS, the value of the vid_capfps CVAR is now the actual frames per second at which the framerate will be capped. It can be off, or between 35 and 1,000 FPS, and is 200 FPS by default. All interpolation is automatically disabled when this CVAR is set to 35 FPS. This CVAR has no effect if it is set to a value greater than the display’s refresh rate and the vid_vsync CVAR is on.
  • Vertical sync with the display’s refresh rate now works correctly when the vid_vsync CVAR is on and the vid_scaleapi CVAR is "opengl".
  • The vid_scaleapi CVAR is now "opengl" by default.
  • The vid_scalefilter CVAR is now "nearest_linear" by default.
  • The vid_vsync CVAR is now on by default.
  • The following improvements have been made to HacX: Twitch ’n Kill support:
    • hacx.wad will now be identified correctly when it is loaded using the -iwad command-line parameter.
    • The health bar in the alternate HUD is now displayed correctly when the player’s health is greater than 200.
    • Using the A key to strafe left now works.
    • Windows are no longer shattered when using kill all in the console.
  • The music will now be stopped if DOOM Retro crashes.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby the music volume and sound effects volume were set incorrectly at startup in some instances.
  • The text carets in both the save game menu and the console will no longer be displayed, and the skull in the menu will no longer animate, while the window doesn’t have focus.
  • Objects will no longer be lit incorrectly in some rare instances.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby certain secrets wouldn’t be counted in some BOOM-compatible maps.
  • Sectors with multiple effects in some BOOM-compatible maps will now behave correctly.
  • The weapon keys 1 to 7 will no longer momentarily fail to work after entering an invalid parameter for the IDMUSxy cheat.