Friday, February 23, 2018
DOOM Retro v2.6.7

DOOM Retro v2.6.7 is now available. It may be downloaded here, and its release notes are as follows:

  • Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
  • The format of savegames has changed, breaking compatibility with previous versions of DOOM Retro.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby skull keys picked up by the player wouldn’t be displayed in the status bar in some instances.
  • Entering give keys in the console will now give the player all keycards and skull keys, rather than just those present in the current map.
  • Entering give keycards or give skullkeys in the console will now give the player all keycards or all skull keys.
  • Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the console.
  • Walls, ceilings and floors with missing textures will now be rendered in white rather than not at all.
  • A bug has been fixed whereby some skies weren’t being rendered correctly when the mouselook CVAR was off.
  • Blood splats are now lit correctly when the r_textures CVAR is off.
  • The brightmap of the COMP2 texture has been improved.
  • As originally intended in Vanilla DOOM, the DSFLAMST sound effect will now be played when an arch-vile attacks the player or another monster.
  • The AI of monsters has been improved when on or next to a lift.
  • How far away a monster is vertically from the player during its melee attack is no longer taken into account if the infiniteheight CVAR is on.